Contact information SFAA
Curious how we can help you?
Curious about how we can assist you with your administration or financial issues? Fill in your contact information below, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible! Prefer direct contact? On this page, you will find the contact information for Administration Office SFAA. Call us at (+31 20 26 10 723), or send us an email at
Interested in our services?
Call us and get a tailored indication
Koningsplein 1 -2
1017 BB Amsterdam - +31 20 26 10 723
Administration Office SFAA is located in Amsterdam at Koningsplein 1 (on the 2nd floor). Although we are an online administration office, we find that many entrepreneurs in Amsterdam appreciate that we are often just a stone’s throw away from their business. Prefer to visit in person rather than have an online meeting? Then we’d love to welcome you for a cup of coffee! We are here from Monday to Friday.